Eco Church

The Eco group aims to raise awareness of environmental issues in a Christian context, including climate change, loss of  biodiversity and pollution, and to encourage sustainable lifestyles.  The church achieved a silver Ecochurch award in 2022.

As Christians we are called to be good stewards of the beautiful world God created for our enjoyment and sustenance.  By now everyone must be aware that this world is under threat as never before.  At Abington Avenue URC we are exploring ways in which we as a church and as individuals can do more to reduce pollution and carbon emissions, and to protect and nurture our precious environment.

To give us direction some of us have been looking at a questionnaire produced by Ecochurch*, to which the URC is affiliated.

We are already addressing many of the issues raised in the questionnaire, and are hopeful that we will soon qualify for an Ecochurch bronze award.  Recently we have started to collect crisp packets [any brand] for recycling, taking them to the Workbridge  café  [Northampton] collection point.  They will then be sent to Walkers, via an organisation called Terracycle* who can extract and re-use some of the component elements. You may wish to explore Terracycle’s other schemes via the link below.. For the next month or so we are also collecting disused spectacles to send to Visionaid*. On our church grounds and at our organic allotment we will aim next year to adopt more eco-friendly practices.

In addition to actions the church can take there are many suggestions on the Ecochuch website about what we can do as individuals.*  You may find some ideas here rather challenging, but together, via our prayers and actions we really can make a difference to the world our children and grandchildren will inherit.

*For further information please click on the following links:

ARUK Eco Tips Calendar – 2024

Terracycle recycling schemes

OffSet Certificate link below

offset certificate (1)