Wider Community


Abington Avenue United Reformed Church is a member of Churches Together in Northampton.

As a Church we give a portion of our income to support the works of other organisations and charities. Currently we support :-

Two Internationall organisations
Nyotastar ( a community project in Tanzania) www.nyotastar.org
Toilet Twinning (a Tearfund programme) www.toilettwinning.org

One national organisation
Church Action on Poverty church-poverty.org.uk

Two local organisations
Eve (domestic violence & abuse help in Northamptonshire) www.eveda.org.uk
NDDS (Northampton door to door service) www.ndds.org.uk

Throughout the year members of our church community support fundraising events for other charities including Bethany Homestead.

We are long term supporters of Christian Aid and raise funds fot this organisation in a number of ways, including an annual plant sale around the time of Christian Aid week in May.

Fair trade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. Abington Avenue URC is recognised as a Fairtrade Church and supports the work of the Fairtrade Foundation.

We are affiliated to the Northamptonshire Association of Youth Clubs (NAYC) and we are pleased to make occasional use of their excellent training and facilities at Kings Park.