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Christian Growth/Home Groups

Christian Growth

In addition to Sunday services there are several different types of groups to support learning about faith:

Starting out- Alpha, Christianity Explored, Life Explored

Understanding the Bible- the Bible Course

Regular bible study, fellowship and prayer- Home Groups

Prayer support- Prayer meetings and the Prayer chain

Alpha, Christianity Explored, Life Explored

From time to time the church runs courses for new Christians and for existing members to explore and develop their faith.

The Alpha course is designed for those interested in finding out about the Christian faith http://alpha.org in a 10 week series using videos and group discussion.

Christianity Explored is a 7 week course is based on Mark’s Gospel and is designed for people interested in finding out about Jesus in the Bible and how this relates to life today-  https://christianityexplored.org

We hope to run the ‘Life explored’ course http://www.life.explo.red soon. It is an informal and relaxed seven-week series for anyone who wants to find contentment and happiness in life.

The Bible Course- The Bible Course helps you see how the books of the Bible are part of one big story, using a unique storyline. It is an 8 week course with an accompanying booklet.

Home Groups

We have a number of Bible study groups linked to the church which provide opportunities for fellowship, Christian learning and spiritual growth. Each group develops its own programme, drawing on the interests and enthusiasm of its members. Occasionally all the groups will come together for a shared event or will follow common study. You are welcome to try out different groups to find one which works well for you.

The groups meet in people’s homes in different parts of Northampton, during the day and in evenings, usually on a fortnightly basis- see list below. There is also a group led by our minister Rev. Jane Wade that meets on Thursday mornings at the Church.

Tuesday Evening Home Group meets in the Arbours area ….

Wednesday Evening Home Group meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month in the Abington area. We have a mixed programme including bible study, prayer and occasional shared suppers. We sometimes follow a series from the URC, JPIT (Joint Public Issues Team), the Prayer Course and other times we develop our own studies from a theme. If you would like to see our current programme contact Sue Griffiths.

Thursday Morning Bible Studies at Church are lead by our Rev. Jane Wade and usually follow a book in the Bible. They meet at 10:30am  on 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month.

Thursday Afternoon Home Groups meets at Weston Favell …

Prayer Support

Prayer Chain (via the telephone and email). This is a way for the church family to share urgent prayer requests with others within the AAURC family and ask them to uphold their needs and situations in prayer. Please contact the church office for details.

Prayer Meetings- Regular prayer meetings are held in the chapel on Thursday mornings from 9:45-10:30am, on 1st and 3rd Thursdays.

Prayer support in the Chapel- there is a book in the chapel for prayer requests to be made. These requests are prayed in the weekly prayer meeting. The Chapel is a quiet place for personal prayer and to pray with others during and after services and at other times in the week.